Massachusetts has an unpredictable climate. The weather here is changeable at best. Case in point. Late last week, it was rainy and in the low 50s (Fahrenheit for my European and Canadian friends). 3 days later, it is 95 degrees, with high humidity and air quality warnings due to ozone levels. I usually like the changeability of the weather here, certainly I love the shift of the seasons, but this H/H/H (hazy, hot, humid) stuff is not for me.
Yesterday, I was standing on my back deck in the morning before it got oppressively hot when a loud screech caught my attention. I thought only parrots made that sort of noise, but parrots are not native to Massachusetts. And besides, I couldn't find the bird in any of the trees in our yard. I shrugged and went back inside.
In the late afternoon, a friend came by for a visit and we sat on the back deck. Again, we heard the squawk. My friend said it was a blue jay. I was skeptical. I decided I was going to find the bird and solve the mystery.
After a few more raucous squawks, I spotted the bird up in a tree.
A parrot.
A green parrot.
I'm sure he/she is an escaped house pet. I hope the parrot hangs around for a bit and learns to get used to us. I'd love to get the bird to a vet. I want to tell the parrot that while it may feel tropical right now, and there's lots for it to eat, summer only has temporary hold on New England. New England winters are no place for a parrot.
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