We are in Mt. Tremblant, in Quebec province. In the winter, this is a ski resort. During the summer, they mark the ski trails for hiking. It's a beautiful landscape.
Hubby is off driving his car like a maniac on the track here. My boys are old enough to wander the village here without my supervision. I took advantage of the day and took a long hike up to the summit of the mountain. 4 hours later, my shoes were under a thick layer of mud. Mud was splattered up past the calf of my bluejeans and my legs felt like rubber bands. But I made it to the top.
The trail is lined with blueberry and raspberry bushes. With all the rain they've had this year (did I mention that the trail was muddy?), the berries were plentiful and sweet. They gave me an excuse to stop and catch my breath (and eat a handful of berries) as I clambered up the trail. I took some lovely photos as well. Unfortunately, I forgot the cable to hook the camera up to the computer. (D'oh), so the photos will have to wait until we get home.
What else am I doing on vacation? Besides eating fresh croissants and the occasional 4 hour hike, I am working on edits to MindBlind. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the manuscript. My word count keeps hovering around 75K, sometimes under, sometimes over as I strip out scenes and add new ones. This is a very satisfying process and the story already feels cleaner and tighter. I hope that I can translate what I've learned through the critiques I received and the recent books I've read on the editing process and be able to look critically at all my work. If so, I have a lot of editing to face this fall.
I'm looking forward to it.
Yes, I have a new WIP (actually 2 if you include the new $#@!! plot bunny hubby infected me with.). It's a good 'un too. We spent a bit of our drive up to Canada brainstorming. I'll be working on one or the other of them as my newest project along with the editing. I don't think I can actually start a new school year and not have a new writing project. It just doesn't feel right.
My other plan for the start of the year (and I will always consider September the beginning of my personal year) is to refocus my query for MindBlind to match the edited manuscript and sent it out into the world of agents. I do think the story has 'legs', especially with the reworking.
With any luck, I'll get some nibbles on the story.
Keeping fingers crossed.
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