November is "National Novel Writing Month," NaNoWriMo, for short. A crazy time in which writers work to get 50,000 words written in 30 days. Many of my writing friends participate and they feel it helps to silence their internal editors an allows them to get words on the page.
I have never participated in NaNoWriMo. It just doesn't mesh with my own writing practice, but after cranking out 1K a day for the month of October, I'm at a big fat zero word count for November.
I actually figured I'd hit a wall--one of the reasons I pushed ahead all October to get as much written on "Future Tense" as I could. So am I panicking? No.
I am taking this time to plot more of the story, to consolidate what I already have, and to let the well refill. I suspect there are more words lurking just around the corner.
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